Hey there beautiful!
Just wanted to pop in (casually after 4 years, nbd) and say hello. A lot has happened in these past four years. Some good, some bad. But, I'm back and I'm going to try and keep up with this blog. Let me officially introduce myself. I'm Samantha. I'm twenty five, about to be twenty six in March. I work full time in a real estate office, and I'm obsessed with fashion, make up, star wars and being my best self I can be. My one goal in life is to make others happy (and myself of course too). Whether it be doing their make up for a night out, or sitting them down in a moment of sadness and letting them know they will be okay. So, this is going to be quick update, but like I said, I will be back. But for now, hi, nice to meet you and let's chat.
Love yourself, I dare you.